Episode 14 - Vedic Meditation Made Me Do It. My Experience With This Transcendent Mediation Technique

Following on from episode 13, I share my experience with Vedic mediation and then carrying on to practice it over the three months to follow. I share what the weekend involved, my up’s and down’s so far, and how I'm making space for Vedic meditation in my day to day.

Vedic meditation has quickly become a personal tool for self healing, and is truly having a huge impact on my life.

I also share what has transpired and the changes I’ve noticed in my life since I’ve taken up this practice. If you’ve ever been curious about how you can access the benefits of meditation, this is a must listen.

Follow the buttons below to listen on your preferred platform.

Here are the links from todays show…

Episode 13 featuring my interview with Nat Martinot

Natalie Martinot (website)

Insight Timer App

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 15 - Why Mums Need To Have More Fun With Bec Craig