Episode 13 - Vedic Meditation For Mothers With Natalie Martinot

Natalie Martinot is a Vedic Meditation teacher, physiotherapist, clinical pilates instructor, yoga teacher, integrative health coach and the mother of three beautiful children with a huge passion for holistic health and the complementary blending of both western and eastern techniques and philosophies to create ultimate wellness. 

Natalie’s 13 years practising as a physiotherapist and clinical pilates instructor gave her a great foundation in the science of the human body but more and more she found patients required not just physical treatment but that stress, exhaustion, nutrition and other lifestyle factors had a huge effect on their outcome. This ultimately led her to studying the mind-body connection ( that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning) and led to her becoming a meditation teacher. 

My goodness I loved recording this episode right before I went on to do Natalie’s Vedic meditation course.

In this episode we dive into Nat’s journey to the Vada and Vedic meditation and the impact it has had on her life, and that of her clients.

She advocates this practice, particularly for mothers, because of its simplicity and compounding impact on their life.

At the time of recording this episode, I was about to embark on Vedic Meditation training with Nat, make sure you check back in for episode 14 where I share my experience of the course and also with Vedic meditation.

What I love about Nat’s approach is she gives us permission to let go of the story that meditation needs to be one particular way in order to actually ‘count’. If you think you can’t meditate or that you’re terrible at it, this episode is a MUST listen.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”

― Marcus Aurelius

Find Nat online and learn Vedic Meditation
The Broad Place

If you aren’t located between Byron Bay to Noosa and would love to study vedic meditation, contact Nat and she will be happy to connect you with a network of teachers in your area.

Abhyanga Self massage
Space to Flow

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 14 - Vedic Meditation Made Me Do It. My Experience With This Transcendent Mediation Technique