Episode 15 - Why Mums Need To Have More Fun With Bec Craig

After a hectic few years of buying and selling businesses, moving interstate, birthing her two boys at home and her husbands cancer diagnosis, Bec Craig found herself in a situation where she could choose to wait for happiness to find it's way to her, or she could create it herself.

What has followed has been nothing short of beautiful and today Bec shares her learnings, and best tips for creating the fun and joy in your own life.

If you feel like you've lost the fun and joy from your life, or you know you have the capacity for more (lets face it, we all do!) this is a must listen.

If you've recently found out you're pregnant, CONGRATS!! I want to invite you to join in my free program Surviving the First Trimester, you can do that here.

Connect with Bec

Learn more about Bec’s program, Love Yourself Stupid

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 16 - Everyone Is Pregnant, Except Me