Episode 75 - IUI Cycle Number Three

Hello! And a big welcome back.

It’s been a while between episodes! If you have been following along on social media you will know that my husband Michael and I, decided to engage a fertility specialist late 2021 with the intention of starting treatment in 2022.

I have been sharing our experience on Instagram  up until the end of our second unsuccessful cycle, and my intention to take a month off, but had left it at that.

In today's episode I fill you in on my time off and a few of the key highlights, as well as our third IUI cycle, and of course, the result.

I have always wanted to be open and honest about our journey, and I know that what I share in this episode will land on your loving heart, and I thank you for that.

As always, don’t forget to share what you thought of the episode, or your love and support by way of a five star Apple Podcasts review. It helps get this content into the ears and onto the hearts of so many more beautiful humans.

I also wanted to mention that I am back into a regular recording schedule, so you can expect to now hear from me weekly on a Friday. Subscribing to the podcast on your favorite platform is the easiest way to never miss an episode - and girl do I have some goodies on their way for you! 

Links from this week episode…
Purchase your copy of Ripe
Doctor Kee Ong
Frequency Music for conception

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 76 - Your karma & your dharma, understanding your north & south nodes with Tiffany Victoria


Episode 74 - Solo motherhood by choice with hayley williamson