Episode 74 - Solo motherhood by choice with hayley williamson

Today’s episode is something different to what we’ve had before. Our guest is a past client of mine whose story I am really excited to share with you. 

Hayley Williamson is a photographer, and a single mother by choice to her beautiful daughter Neve who was born in august this year. Back in 2018 Hayley was diagnosed with estrogen dominance which led her down a path of balancing hormones and lifestyle. During those 12 months she had also spoken with a GP and gynecologist regarding her AMH levels and had started exploring the process of freezing her eggs. 

Hayley hadn’t been in a serious relationship for 10 years and after mourning the realisation that she didn't have a partner or that ideal family that we’re ‘meant to have’ she made the decision to do it alone. She didn't want to wait any longer for the possibility of meeting the right person with the added pressure that she knew she wanted to have kids. So she made a plan, and when covid hit she had to re-evaluate what it is she wanted from her life and then made an appointment quite quickly to speak with her fatality specialist. After a lot of consideration and honoring what felt like the best situation for her body, Hayley chose to do an unmedicated IUI cycle with an anonymous sperm donor from the US. 

In this episode we talk about...

  • Hayleys experience of deciding to go down this path and what it looked like for her 

  • What Hayley's conception experience was like

  • Hayley’s desire for motherhood and how that progressed over her adult years

  • Hayley’s journey into motherhood and the choice to use a donor

  • How Hayley supported herself after losses

  • Navigating postpartum as a solo mother

I loved this conversation, and the opportunity to share this beautiful story with you. I trust it will inspire you as it has me to sink deeper into what I truly desire in this life. 

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Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 75 - IUI Cycle Number Three


episode 73 - From one to two : How to support your family when a new baby comes along with Parent Coach Alex Emms