Episode 43 - What You Need To Know If You Want To Avoid Burnout

Jolinda Johnson is a Wellness Mentor (M.S.Ed., CHHC) and Priestess who’s passionate about helping her clients break up with burnout and return to the wild: whole, healthy, and free.

As a result of working together, her clients begin living in harmony with their hormones and menstrual cycles, build trust in their bodies and their inner wisdom, and rebuild the spiritual connection they've been missing to surrender into what feels good (not just what makes sense). They then have the courage to move forward and experience vibrant health from a place of wholeness, worthiness, and wellness on their own terms.

She's originally from Detroit, Michigan but has lived in Barcelona, Spain for the last twelve years. Once upon a time she was married, but is now a single mom to a six-year-old son named Leonard (Lay-o-nard) who was sent to teach her how to live in the present and finally go with the flow.

In this episode we speak about burnout and how we can pick up on the early signs on our journey to and through motherhood.

Jolinda is wise, articulate and practiced in this work, and the way she shares bring a deep level of resonance that you I know you too will feel.

More specifically, in this episode talk about… 

  • How to reprogram from stress

  • The mind and the body and how they rule

  • Why you need to check in with your body as your guide

  • How and why you need to body scan 

  • How to truly tell if you’re currently under stress

  • Your markers for stress

  • Managing pregnancy in the workplace

  • Early signs that you’re headed for burnout

  • What it can mean if you’re craving sugar

  • Why you need to look at your relationship with rest and what it’s telling you

  • How to course correct if you see that you’re headed for burnout

  • The role that your hormones have in burnout

  • The role of exercise in stress management

  • Why you might need to move before you meditate

  • Sleep and why it is key

  • How to avoid burnout with a newborn

  • Ataptagens and postpartum  

I want to scream this episode from the rooftops because this information is vital for women of our generation.

Listen to it, share it with you girlfriends and embody the practices.

Then, let me know what you thought via review on iTunes.

I’m deeply grateful for your kind words, and LOVE hearing how the podcast is supporting you.

Find Jolinda Online
Work with Jolinda 

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 44 - The Two Mantras To Carry You Through 2021 PLUS An Announcement!