Episode 41 - Find The Sacred In The Simple With Amy Sinclair

Amy Sinclair is a heart centred, hug dealing Yoga & Meditation Teacher, first time Mama to her son Ocean, & full-time student of the Universe.

She lives to embody her passion for the mind-body-spirit connection & is driven by her insatiable hunger for spiritual awakening, personal growth & making the simple sacred.

She lets love lead the way in all that she does & believes that true change begins within.

Through her work, Amy seeks to remind us of the power of our own presence & reconnect us to the deep well of wisdom that she believes exists within each & every one of us.

In this week's episode I speak with Amy about bringing magic into our everyday lives, and how we truly can make a shift for a more aligned, grounded and on purpose life when we learn to work with the magic of these practices.

Be sure to stick around until the end when Amy shares with us a beautiful guided meditation to ground us back in our bodies and into the present, it’s such a treat!

We cover…

+ Amy’s journey from childhood into her life's work
+ How to make the simple tasks of life, sacred
+ How supportive this magic can be throughout the container of motherhood
+ Why perception is everything and how you can influence that
+ No matter where you are on your journey to or through motherhood, how you can start working with these practices
+ What to do when motivation wanes
+A beautiful guided meditation by Amy to wrap up the episode

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Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 43 - What You Need To Know If You Want To Avoid Burnout