Episode 18 - Who Do You Want To Be In A Global Crisis?

At the time of recording and sharing this episode we are amidst what I'm sure will be remembered as a significant moment in history, navigating the global Covid 19 pandemic.

In todays episode I aim to show you how you can realign with your truth amidst the craziness that we are experiencing right now.

More than anything I want you to know that everything you are feeling right now is okay. And we need not feel guilty for that. In todays episode I show you how you can step forward in your truth, while still feeling everything that is rising within you.

I also mention the Realignment cheatsheet many times in this episode, you can access your copy here, or via the link below.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 19 - Supporting Mums To Awaken Through Pregnancy, With Helen Parker From The Babes Project