Episode 91 - IVF, resilience, surrogacy and hope with Lisa Messenger

When I see people with big communities begin to talk about the challenges that conception can carry, I feel a kinship. When Lisa began speaking about her fertility challenges, approximately 8 years in, I knew immediately I wanted to speak to her.

Not for any other reason than that I had to know how someone navigates what she has, runs a company, maintains relationships and seems to be relatively well.

Having navigated my own experiences with conception and through supporting thousands through the podcast and hundreds through my coaching, I have a pretty fair idea of what it feels like to go through IVF and infertility at it’s worst.

In our conversation today Lisa shares that sparkly spirit that we all know and see through her social channels, but she also allows us to see the rawness of what she has navigated. From the lowest moments, big financial choices, pregnancy loss and everything in between.

Somehow she manages to share the realities of HER story, while also bring lightness, hope and an unwavering resilience that I know we can all learn from.

Lisa launched The Messenger Group in 2001, which has custom published more than 400 books for companies and individuals and now releases 40 – 60 products per year globally. Lisa has authored and co-authored more than 36 books and become an authority in the start-up scene.

Her passion is to challenge individuals and corporations to change the way they think, take them out of their comfort zone and prove that there is more than one way to do anything. She encourages entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and innovation and lives life to the absolute max. With fans including Sir Richard Branson, New York Times Best-selling author Bradley Trevor Grieve, and a social media following of well over 800,000 across the Collective Hub platforms, Lisa’s vision is to build a community of likeminded people who want to challenge the status quo and change the world.

I absolutely loved this conversation and I truly cannot wait to hear how Lisa’s story, helps support you in yours.

I know you’re going to love this one.

To get your hands on Lisa’s mindfulness collection for kids, use the code LISA over at Little Love of Mine by the 30th April 2023.

Connect with Lisa 

Mummy At Last (where Lisa shares her pregnancy journey)

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 92 - Twin Pregnancy & Motherhood with Leila of village for mama


Episode 90 - Astrology for living your most aligned life with Kristy Gray