Episode 65-Infant sleep support with Holistic Sleep Consultant Georgina Windebank

Sleep is one of the hottest topics as a new parent, and something that we all need, parents, carers and babies alike. In today's episode I speak with Holistic Sleep Consultant Georgina Windebank to help answer some of the most important questions when it comes to infant sleep.

A terrible sleeper herself and with no support from family in a day to day capacity while navigating the challenges of having a newborn, it was essential to encourage her baby to sleep well. She adopted a proactive approach to ensure her baby could settle independently, prioritising baby sleep as well as family wellbeing and instilling an age-appropriate routine.

As a Holistic Sleep Consultant and Qualified Naturopath, Georgina has a wealth of knowledge to draw upon in terms of medical conditions that may be pre-existing as well as significant resources and experience to draw upon as she strategises with families on their path to meeting the sleep goals which are specific to them.

With her knowledge of sleep from clinical practice and from her health science degree, Georgina is driven to help young children get adequate sleep to meet their developmental needs while also working with families to achieve their individual sleep needs within the family unit.

In this episode we cover… 

  • Georginas personal story and Medical Termination

  • Miscarriage

  • Greif

  • Motherhood without parents

  • Working with babies

  • How to honour other people's pain

  • Anxiety and sleep

  • The impact of sleep on life in general

  • Holistic Sleep Consulting

  • What sleep training is VS Holistic Sleep Support

  • Factors that could be influencing sleep

  • Who sleep consults are for

  • When circadian rhythm kicks in for babies

  • The reasons why someone would work with a sleep consultant

  • What age to keep your baby in a cot until

  • Practical tips to improve infant sleep

  • How to avoid overtired infants

  • Bedtime boundaries

  • How to prepare for babies sleep when you’re pregnant 

And so much more!

Links mentioned in this episode

Find Georgina on Instagram
Georgina’s online membership, launching November 2021
Georgina’s Website ‘The Holistic Sleep Project’

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Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 66 - Welcome to Season 3


Episode 64 - Meditation for clearing and shielding your energy