Episode 62 - What to do when it all feels like too much

There is no doubt that over the last 18 months or so, we have become aware of the collective energy our how it impacts how we feel.

In this episode of the Awakened Pregnancy Podcast, I show you how you can move through the collective density and reconnect to your true, alignment and clarity, daily, using my simple 3 step process.

If you find that being out in the world feels heavy for you right now and you’re feeling overwhelm, stress, challenges in your relationships, confusion on what to do next, inability to make decisions with ease, or that you are neglecting your self care, this practice will support you back to your true essence.

I walk you through…
+ The energies at play right now and how they could be showing up for you
+ The long term impact of not clearing your energy
+ How you could be perpetuating the density and heaviness you’ve accumulated
+ Why it needs to be cleared often
+ What clearing your energy often can give you
+ My simple practice for clearing your energy

And lots more!

Download The First Trimester Survival Guide here

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 63 - How to connect to your spirit baby, yourself and your birthing power with Renee Gilbert


EPISODE 61 - Remember the essence of who you are with Amanda Pohio