episode 57 - How to build your worthiness through conception and motherhood with Sam Dhu

In this week's episode I speak with Sam Dhu.

Sam Dhu is a Positive Psychology Life Coach and psychotherapist with six years of university qualifications, mama to a beautiful five-year-old, Amelie, and passionate advocate for living an inspired life.

With over 15 years’ experience supporting women from all walks of life (thousands, in fact), it’s Sam’s mission to support modern-day women to experience fulfilment, self-acceptance and unbridled joy.

As the Queen of Permission, Sam supports womxn to give themselves the permission they are craving.

Permission to STOP: 

- People-pleasing
- Drowning under a mountain of pressure and guilt
- Saying yes when we want to say NO

Permission to START:

- Experiencing more joy + rest
- Living from a place of courage
- Being unapologetically, unabashedly, wholly you

In this episode we talk about… 

  • How Sam’s personal experience and career intersected to lead her to this work

  • What to do if you find yourself disconnected from your worthiness postpartum

  • Why worthiness shows up as an issue after we give birth, and not often before

  • How perfectionism plays a role in how we see ourselves 

  • A simple way to prevent a self worth crash after birth

  • What to do when you find yourself deep in motherhood, and also disconnected from yourself as a woman

  • Why making space for ourselves when we’re in the trenches of motherhood is important for us and our children

  • Lots more

Find Sam Online

Join Sam’s Facebook Group ‘The Pathway to Permission’

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.


Episode 58 - A miracle baby, after three losses, past client story with Elisa Henry-Morton


episode 56 - Low energy, low mood, weight gain, intermittent fasting : How I’m healing my health