Episode 5 - Visualise Your Dream Pregnancy Guided Meditation

I started this podcast with the desire to help spread the message that in order to fully embody our brilliance and embrace the journey into motherhood without fear, we must mindfully connect to ourselves in a bigger way than ever before. Through my work here I hope to help you to see that you are capable of more than you know, and motherhood can be your awakening, if you choose it.

In the spirit of helping you to commit to your own healing, growth and manifesting, I have created a guided meditation to support you to feel into the magic in your womb space.

As crazy as it may sound, I fully believe that we hold the power of the universe within us, it is THE creative space. New life begins within us, and when we pause to see the beauty in that, I feel like we actually connect to ourselves in a deeper way. Talk about gratitude!!

This weeks episode is designed to help you do just that. Connect to your womb, and visualise the space thriving like an abundant garden.

If this episode brings up emotion for you that you don’t feel you’re able to fully shift in the session, pick up your journal and allow the words to flow. There may be more to be cleared, and know that is perfectly ok.

I encourage you to save this episode, and continue to come back to it whenever you feel the desire to connect to your baby or your womb.

Enjoy this meditation in a sacred space (definitely not while driving), and if you loved it, please take 2 minutes to write and share your review with me on itunes. It helps me to get this podcast into more ears. Massive gratitude.

This meditation is suitable if you are calling in womb healing, your spirit baby or if you are currently pregnant.

Enjoy my love, here’s todays episode!

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 6 - The Things I Told Myself I'd Never Do As A Mum, But I Did


Episode 4 - Surviving the first trimester