Episode 49 - Personal Story : Independent Mama Of One, Jenna Agius

Today I am speaking with Jenna Agius. Jenna is a photographer and independent mother to her son Ollie. I wanted to bring Jenna onto the podcast because she is such a vibrant soul, and I know that anyone who is in her presence would agree with me.

Motherhood is never an easy transition, but navigating it as a young independent mother certainly adds another layer to that.

Jenna has gone on to follow her creative passion after birthing her son, and is most certainly living her truth as a result.

I know you’re going to love Jenna, enjoy!

You’re also invited to Download your free copy of the Survive the First Trimester Guide.

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Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 50 - Hypnobirthing And Advocating For Our Birth With Shari Lyon Of Belly To Birth