Episode 47 - Why You Don’t Have The Time To Do What You Want To

I’ve been sharing more on social media into what my day to day life looks like, and I’ve really been enjoying it.

It’s been a natural progression for me as I’ve fallen back into alignment.

But I have been asked how I have the space for solo bike rides, beach meditations and all of the other self care, with a toddler and a business.

During 2020, this wasn’t the case.

I started the year in alignment, but when the world was turned upside down with the pandemic, I slipped into a reactive state.

Rather than creating the life I desired, I was completely reactive to what was happening around me.

I put my goals to the side, and made a couple of choices that snowballed.
12 months on and I was completely depleted and not all feeling like myself.

If this is you too, then this episode is for you!

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Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 48 - Miscarriage: Support, Raw Heartache And How They're Moving Forward With Jade, Brayden And Sarah-Jane