Episode 3 - The Power Of Energetic Alignment In Pregnancy

In todays episode I share what it means to live in alignment and why it’s so important for creating a life where you magnetise what you desire. I share exactly what it means to live in alignment, how it feels and how it positively impacts the lives of everyone around you.

I talk about what happens to our emotional and physical body when we make choices out of alignment and how it can go on to effect us for years to come.

I wrap up by sharing a story of my own, where a situation my mother was in when she was pregnant, went on to effect my physically for almost 30 years. Wow!

Here are the resources I shared in this episode…

Dr Joe Dispenza Video
Tara Sheilds Kinesiology
E-motion Documentary

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Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 4 - Surviving the first trimester