Episode 25 - Our Conception Journey With Baby #2 And A General Life Update

I couldn't think of a more fitting time than two days before my 32nd birthday to share a life update and fill you in on our conception journey with baby number two.

I've had a massive shift in the past 12 months that has positioned me as an actual adult - I know right, took me a while! In this episode I share what that was and the many areas that have been effected by this beautiful shift, including our conception journey.

I also share about a incident that occurred 17 years ago that has had a lasting and long term impact on my health, and how I'm nurturing that through conception. As well as our more recent miscarriage, vitamin levels, my current health, the procedure I had last week and LOADS more.

To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

Kate Caddle

Kate Caddle is a conception and pregnancy coach.


Episode 26 - Traditional Wellness Practices For A Strong Foundation Of Health With Greg Emerson Part 1